WooCommerce Checkout Block


The Checkout Address Autofill for WooCommerce Pro plugin can integrate with the WooCommerce Block’s Checkout Block. This option is only available when the WooCommerce Block plugin is active. To add the Checkout Block to your pages or posts, please use the Gutenberg plugin. Following the activation of both of these plugins, the following configuration options are available.

  • Enable Use Checkout Block: Check this box to enable the address auto-filling.

Enable Checkout Block, WooCommerce Checkout Block

  • Enable Use Google Autofill Field: Check this box to enable Google Autofill Field for the WooCommerce Checkout Block.

WooCommerce Checkout Block

  • Checkout Block Autocomplete Field Label: The label that will appear above the autocomplete field.

WooCommerce Checkout Block

  • Enable Use Google Autofill Current Location: This option enables Google to autocomplete the current location.

Enable Use Google Autofill Current Location

  • Enable Use Google Autofill Location Picker: This option enables the Google Autofill location picker.

Enable Use Google Autofill Location Picker 


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