Billing Autocomplete Fields

From this section, Admin can enable the Billing Autocomplete Fields for the Checkout Page. This will walk you through all of the Billing Fields settings.

If everything is in place, users in the billing fields section will be able to autofill their addresses with a single click. When a user begins typing, the Google API populates the dropdown with relevant addresses. The user can then select their address, and all of the fields will be auto-filled.

Pro users have access to additional settings, including the ability to enable Location Picker Autofill, Turn existing fields into address auto-filling fields, and Current Location Autofill, and more.

  • Enable for Billing: Check this box to enable address autofill for Billing Address.

Enable for Billing

  • Autocomplete Field Label: The label that will be displayed for the Checkout page’s billing section’s Autocomplete field.

Autocomplete Field Label

  • Auto Complete Field Placeholder [PRO]: Text that will appear in the Billing Autocomplete field.

Auto Complete Field Placeholder

  • Enable for Autofill field required for billing [PRO]: Check this box to make the Billing Autocomplete field mandatory.

Enable for Autofill field required for billing

  • Show Autofill Below Address [Only available in the Free Version]: If this option is selected, the Autofill Address field will appear below the address fields.

Show Autofill Below Address

  • Google Autocomplete Field Position [PRO]: The position in the field above which the Billing Autocomplete field would be placed. Available options are billing_first_name, billing_company, billing_country, billing_address_1, billing_address_2, billing_city, billing_state, billing_postcode, billing_phone, billing_email. By default, the Billing Autocomplete field appears at the top of the Checkout Page, above the First Name field.

Google Autocomplete Field Position

  • Enable Integration of autocomplete field with existing billing fields: It allows admin to set an existing Billing field as Google autocomplete field. This option can be used to autofill addresses without adding an extra address search field.

    Enable Integration of autocomplete field with existing billing fields

    You can watch this video to learn how to convert an existing billing field into an Address Autocomplete Field.

    Also, watch the video below to understand how to do Field Mapping in an Existing Address Autocomplete Billing Field.

  • Billing Field Id: Specify the existing Billing field id which would act as an autocomplete search field. You can integrate the autocomplete feature into any field by simply putting the field’s id here. For example, if you add the id of the Address 1 field, i.e. billing_address_1. When users enter their addresses in this field, location suggestions appear in a dropdown menu; when they select their address from the options, the address is auto-filled in the appropriate fields. Please note that this feature will not function unless you uncheck the Enable for Billing option.

Billing Field Id

How to get the field id?

Navigate to the Checkout Page and select the field you want the id for. Right-click on the field and click on Inspect.

How to get the field id?

A screen with codes would appear where you can find the field details along with the id.

A screen with codes would appear where you can find the field details along with the id.

  • Enable Use Current Location [PRO]: It simply displays a location icon, which, when clicked, allows users to easily fill in their current location in the appropriate billing fields.

Enable Use Current Location

  • Current Location Icon Position [PRO]: The position of the field above which the Current Location icon would be displayed. Available options are billing_first_name, billing_company, billing_country, billing_address_1, billing_address_2, billing_city, billing_state, billing_postcode,

Current Location Icon Position

  • Enable Location Picker for Billing [PRO]: It activates the Location Picker, which allows users to select their location directly from the map. And, upon confirmation, the full address will be filled in the Billing address fields automatically.

Enable Location Picker for Billing

  • Upload Image For Location Picker [PRO]: Using the Upload button, upload the Location Picker image. If the Location Picker was left empty, the default image would be rendered.

Upload Image For Location Picker

  • Location Picker Icon Position [PRO]: Select the field above which the Location Picker will be positioned. Available options are billing_first_name, billing_company, billing_country, billing_address_1, billing_address_2, billing_city, billing_state, billing_postcode, billing_phone, billing_email. By default, the Location Picker icon appears at the top of the Checkout Page, above the First Name.

Location Picker Icon Position

  • Location Picker Image Size In px [PRO]: By adding the values in px, you can change the height and width of the Location Picker image.

Location Picker Image Size In px

  • Allow Phone Number and Allow Company Name: If these options are checked, the plugin will automatically fill in these fields if the information for that particular location is publicly available.

Allow Phone Number and Allow Company Name

  • Save Billing Geolocation (Latitude, Longitude) [PRO]: Save the billing Geolocation (Latitude and Longitude) and display it on the Edit Order page by selecting this option. This could be used to view the billing address’s exact location on a map.

Save Billing Geolocation (Latitude, Longitude)

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