If you want to make money with WordPress, there are many ways you can do it, including selling your own products and services, affiliate marketing, and even starting your own online business.
Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or make enough to quit your job, you have plenty of options when it comes to earning money with WordPress. Let’s look at 10 of the best ways to do so in this article…
1. Become a Self-Employed Freelancer

Freelancing is a great way to earn extra cash from home. You can do it on your own schedule and set your own rates, which means you’re free to pick and choose what jobs you want, where you work, how much you want to work, and when.
It’s a great way for part-time workers or stay-at-home parents to earn a few extra bucks—and sometimes even more substantial paychecks from their skillset. In fact, freelancers can earn more than $100 per hour for certain jobs depending on where they live and who they’re working for.
To be successful as a freelancer, try to find specific clients that need your expertise, whether it be design services or writing articles. When you specialize in one type of job rather than taking whatever comes along, you increase both your chances of earning higher-paying clients and having steady work come in month after month.
2. Sell Advertising Space

You can leverage your WordPress website’s popularity and traffic volume by selling ad space. There are various ways you can monetize, but one of my favorites is through using Google AdSense.
With AdSense, you place ads on your site based on keywords your visitors’ type into Google. When they click on those ads, you get paid. I recommend getting started by creating a Google AdSense account, setting up some ad units. And then placing them strategically throughout your site. If you want a little extra help getting going, consider hiring an expert to take care of it for you.
After all, there are a lot of moving parts involved—like conversion tracking codes—and doing it yourself might end up costing more time than it’s worth. And while you should expect to pay between 25% and 30% in fees, if you have 1 million page views per month or so, it could be worth it over time.
But if your business isn’t quite at that level yet? No problem! There are plenty of other ways you can earn money from your websites—even when only have modest traffic volumes.
3. Create WordPress Themes and Plugins

WordPress is great because it makes it easy for anyone to design and develop a website. If you’re looking for another avenue to generate some side income, you can sell your WordPress themes and plugins. Some developers even use these as marketing tools. That will eventually lead users back towards one of their products or services.
Other WordPress developers prefer building plug-ins. And themes as a way of giving back to a community that has helped them out over time. No matter how you approach it if you take advantage of all of its capabilities. WordPress can help kickstart your side business idea without a lot of extra effort on your part.
You may not have any experience in coding, but there are plenty of free resources online from different websites that will help get you started. These include
- TeachMeWP – A site dedicated to helping people learn more about WordPress by offering user-friendly tutorials through videos.
- WPBeginner – This free resource offers a comprehensive guide including step-by-step instructions and videos so you don’t have to worry about getting stuck during development.
- WPMayhem – This site also provides documentation including informational articles, tutorials. And FAQs so you don’t get overwhelmed when setting up a new project.
4. Start a WordPress Training Course

If you’re interested in making more than just passive income, starting a training course might be right for you. By creating training courses, you can build an audience of students who are interested in growing their skillset. Using tools like Teachable or Udemy makes it easy to put your course online and start selling your knowledge.
This is also a good way to help grow your personal brand. Make sure that you use industry keywords so people searching Google will find your site. Set up an area where readers can sign up for updates about new content and posts related to your business: This helps convert visitors into customers.
5. Provide Hosting Services

Providing hosting services for your own web properties is a great way to earn some cash on your downtime. You can offer shared hosting, which means your website will share resources with other websites on a server, or you can create private hosting for organizations.
Both are easy options if you’re already running a web server. If not, they are relatively inexpensive—starting at about $50 USD per month—and easy to set up. Just remember that you’ll need to invest in bandwidth and hardware costs before starting out, too.
Also, be aware of what tax laws apply as well as any regulations specific to where you live and work. Hosting services is an area where many new businesses fail because they don’t consider these things ahead of time. While it’s important to start small and build organically, startups should always consider their potential legal liabilities from day one.
6. Start a WordPress Website Business

If you want to run a business using your WordPress skills, then it is not an issue. You can set up any kind of website that suits your interest and earn revenue from that. The best thing about running a WordPress site is you can do it part-time or full-time depending on how much time you have in hand.
The good thing about WordPress is, there are so many free themes and plugins available that can help you out in starting your own business quite easily without spending too much time on coding. As far as earning revenue is concerned, there are so many options available. You can either use advertising banners or affiliate marketing tactics for earning more money on your WordPress site.
Another great way to monetize your WordPress blogs is by setting up an Amazon affiliate program which will help you get additional earnings on every product sold through your website at the Amazon store. A majority of bloggers today use Amazon Affiliate links for driving traffic through their websites and increasing sales volume at Amazon stores. So try these easy and effective methods to start making money with blogging!
7. Use Amazon Affiliate Program

Amazon is one of the most popular affiliate programs available. An Amazon Affiliate program gives you access to millions of potential customers, not just those who visit your website, but anyone who shops on Amazon. All you have to do is include a special tag in your posts which links back to Amazon products. When visitors click on those tags and buy something from Amazon, you’ll get a portion of that sale as an affiliate marketer.
In addition, you’ll be able to link your own products or services as an affiliate as well as promote others’ products and services using your affiliate link. It’s a great way to not only make money from buying. And selling products on Amazon but also from providing other valuable information for potential customers.
8. Build E-Commerce Websites

If you want to be paid on a recurring basis, offer your services as an e-commerce website builder. E-commerce websites are more lucrative and time-consuming than regular websites. But they can pay well and bring in significant revenue on a monthly basis.
Consider using WooCommerce or Shopify to create e-commerce sites. Once your initial website is ready, use affiliate marketing techniques to begin earning income from your hard work. Making at least $1,000 per month can be realistic. If you have affiliate products in place prior to creating your website. If you don’t know where to start with affiliate marketing, look into using Amazon products or another vendor that offers affiliate programs for free.
9. Write/Publish an eBook

A way of making money with WordPress is to publish an eBook. EBooks are just like books you would buy in a book store, but instead, they are published digitally and sold over and over again on different sites such as Amazon, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. As well as being easily portable on e-readers, an eBook can also be downloaded from websites where you sell it.
If you have been working hard at your website building experience, why not get paid for all that hard work? Make an eBook based on your experiences and sell it online!
Another bonus of eBooks is that they don’t take up much space. When your clients want advice or help, you can send them all of your information in one eBook. That will keep them coming back to purchase more from you in the future!
10. Sell Digital Products

Digital products are making it easier than ever for entrepreneurs to earn money on their own schedule. You can build online courses, websites, memberships, or other digital assets that help people solve problems in their lives. The more satisfied they are, the more likely they’ll be back for more!
Final Words
There are many ways to make money from WordPress. In order to succeed, you need a well-planned strategy. Try out these methods and let us know which one you liked best. We will be happy to hear from you!
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