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Benefits of Having User Data in Online Marketing

Benefits of Having User Data in Online Marketing

Nowadays, if you don’t use your customer data to your advantage, you’re already losing a lot of opportunities. Traditional marketing days are gone when there was no targeted audience, no customization options. But, thanks to this modern age, you have a lot of opportunities to reach targeted customers using a lot of marketing tools.

You can use social media channels with a huge user base and a huge amount of data in it. You can set up targeted marketing campaigns. But the downside is that you will have to pay for using customer data on the platforms. Even if you’re running marketing campaigns and you haven’t set up any methods to collect visitor data, you’ll keep spending more and more money without getting value out of your expenses.

Your marketing objective must be effective. And that can be done if you’re collecting visitor data on your website. The more data you collect, the better you can segment your users, create better marketing plans, create products and provide visitors with customised user experience.

What are the benefits of data in online marketing

What are the benefits of data in online marketing

1. Data helps understand your audience

When you have collected the website visitors data. You can understand what demographics are they from, which locations are they from, which pages they are visiting, from which pages they are bouncing.

With all these data you can understand your target audience and create more customer centric communication, design your website as per them to get the best results.

2. Create Effective Marketing Campaigns

With user data, you can find the best channels where most of your users come from. And when they’re coming to your site. You can also get information about their locations, devices, popular pages. With all this information, you can segment users based on their age, locations etc. and create better ad campaigns with popular products, tailored ad images and text optimized to make the most of your marketing efforts.

3. Find trusted and loyal customers

When you have user data and customer data, you can find the most repetitive customers or visitors. You can single them out and give them better offers and rewards. They’re going to be repeat customers with such opportunities to offer.

You can also offer loyalty programmes and advance sales to them, and you can build a long and trusting relationship with them.

In addition, listen to your customers and take feedback using the right feedback tool to improve your products and services.

4. Personalize user experience

A study shows that 74% of customers feel frustrated by seeing irrelevant brand content. And 79% of customers do not consider offers unless the brand has customised them to their previous interactions.

Most of the customers don’t like general emails or notifications from companies. To engage customer you need to create personlized contents (email, message, landing pages). Personalization makes them happy.

When you have customers data you can create customize emails and messages to send when they have any special occassions like birthday or anniversary coming. Share products which they checked when they visited last time and likely to make the purchase. Moreover, you can create dynamic pages to provide a more personalized experience to the user.

How to collect more data from your website visitors

How to collect more data from your website visitors

There are many ways you can collect user data. But here are some of the most effective ways you can collect user data on your website.

Email Newsletter Popups

One of the most effective ways of collecting user data is to implementing Email Newsletters Popup, In WordPress you can use the WooCommerce MailChimp Newsletter Discount Pro plugin to create attractive populps. Using this plugin you can collect name and email address of the website visitors.

For email marketing you get the basic details. But when you want to do more effective marketing then you need to add more fields to your email popup to collect more information. For doing that, you need to use the Extra Fields For MailChimp Newsletter Discount addon for WooCommerce MailChimp Newsletter Discount. Using which you can add more fields to your popup form. For example, you can create birthday field, age, address field. And segment customers based on their data and execute effective marketing campaigns.

Learn How to Setup the Extra Fields For MailChimp Newsletter Discount plugin,  https://youtu.be/Bh3erjmklhk


You can use analytics software such as Google Analytics to track all the user behavior, acquisition details of your website visitors. You can learn from which channels users are coming to your site, which pages they are visiting, how much time they are spending on which pages, their locations, devices, demographics and lot more. Using these data you can optimize your site contents, advertising campaigns.


Collecting heatmaps is another way to gather information about visitors to your websites. You can track and record user behaviour on your site using heatmaps. You can learn about the most clicked area on your site and also find out which area or products users are not clicking on.

With this data, you can optimize your less attractive areas on your site and improve or change the content and see if there is any improvement or not. You can check the various images and buttons to see which one is working and which one is not.

We’ve written a specific blog post on How to Monitor Visits on WordPress Site Using the Heatmaps that you can check out.


Take time for surveys on your website to get a variety of information about your users. This will also help you get the exact information from your users and help you create better products, services, marketing and user experience for your site. There are various surveys plugins available using which you can create attractive and customized survey forms for your site.

We have reached to the end of this post. I hope you like the post. For videos related to your plugins and WordPress tutorials, Subscribe to our YouTube channel, Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter.

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