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5 E-Commerce Tips For Beginners to Boost Sales

5 E-Commerce Tips For Beginners to Boost Sales

When it comes to optimizing an e-commerce website, it seems like a huge challenge with so many areas to work on, with so many options, plugins, platforms. It can be hard to find out where to start from.

But it doesn’t have to be so difficult. Sure, there are different types of e-commerce businesses, and running different businesses are different. However there are some common areas that need to be fixed in order to get the best results.

In this article, you’ll find five easy and effective tips that you can do to shape your e-commerce marketing strategy. From technical stuff to marketing tactics and customer support, these tips will help you get immediate results.

1. Optimize Product Pages

Product pages are the important part of an online store. It is the place where users can see, learn, compare, browse your products. If your product pages are not clear then chances are that you will get less conversions and marketing strategies won’t work.

Consistency is key. Make sure to keep all of your texts and images the same size and same style. And to make your product pages as professional and alluring as possible, add the following key components:

Product photos

Try to offer images from different angles that clearly display the product so customers can have the clear understanding of what they are about to purchase. Adding zoom-in, 360 degree features can show more detailing about the products.

Clear pricing

Show all the prices of your products and any other prices clearly on the product page, such as discounts that may apply, shipping prices or free shipping over a certain amount and taxes, and other additional costs.

If additional costs shown unexpectedly during the check-out may increase the chances of abandonment of the cart, it is important to eliminate any charges before the time comes to check-out.

Easy to modify

Make it very easy to change things like size, color, and quantity. This really improves the user experience as the customers can easily choose the product colours and sizes.

Detailed product descriptions

Try to deliver as much detail about your products as possible. From details like size, function, and specs to detailed description including use cases and examples of social proof, product reviews, All this will help customers understand what to expect from your products.


Make it simple to add items to the cart with a simple click. Also, make sure the CTA button is bright and easy-to-find, and include a simple, actionable text like ‘Buy Now” or ‘Add to Cart.”

To get the most out of your online store, you need to optimise the product page to make your e-commerce marketing more efficient. They will help customers to make a purchase decision. Also, make sure that A/B tests your product pages on a weekly basis to make sure you’re not losing sales.

2. Reduce Abandonment

Eight out of ten shopping carts are abandoned. Cart abandonment is a common issues for all of the online stores out there.

However, there are plugins or inbuilt marketing features available which can help you solve this issue. You can easily create a cart abandonment workflow and can help to recover a good percentage of those lost sales.

Opt for a caring tone

For example, “Just A Gentle Reminder, Your Cart Is Waiting”. Please remember that you help people by giving a gentle reminder. It will be useful for customers will appreciate this and view it far more favorably than an in-your-face sales tone, which can come across as too aggressive.

Add a product photo

Attach an attractive and tempting photo and abandoned product photo to remind customers. Moreover, Include product recommendations for similar items, too, just in case they weren’t quite the product they were looking for.

Build trust

You can build trust with customers by adding reviews, testimonials, social media posts and unboxing videos.

On social media others can check those social posts and unboxing videos and motivates to check your products as well and increases chances of getting sales.

Include a CTA back to their cart

When you are creating a abandonment workflow make sure you provide a CTA button using which users can go back to their cart with a simple click.

Try out other channels

We use emails to send abandoned mail to the cart because it’s easy and can be automated, but it’s likely that emails can get lost in the inbox. To minimise this issue, try using channels such as SMS and push notifications that deliver instant reminders directly to your phone or browser screen.

Offer a discount

Offer a discount or free shipping with the abandoned cart message to make it more effective and convert it. You can add something like ‘Special Discount Just for You!’.

3. Capture more email subscribers

Email marketing is one of the best medium to send out promotional messages, offers, sales details. The ROI through email marketing is unbelievable. That’s why you need to focus on email marketing and capture more leads. Use canva or alternatives of canva to create visually appealing email marketing visuals that can help you capture more subscribers. With its easy-to-use design tools, you can craft stunning designs that engage your audience and boost your marketing efforts.

You can use plugins such as WooCommerce MailChimp Newsletter Discount and email marketing platforms such as MailChimp, omnisend to create attractive email opt-in forms. Using the WooCommerce MailChimp Newsletter Discount plugin, you can create normal forms as well as pop-up and exit intent forms. Moreover, the plugin offers more features such as include or exclude specific pages or categories to show or hide the popup, analytics, push notifications, email alerts.

Here are some more ways to build your email list:

Standard optin forms

The Standard opt-in forms are visible on various areas of your site and comes with standard templates. These forms are placed in the footer or sidebar of your site.

Add timed pop-ups and exit-intent pop-ups

Timed popups will appear after a certain amount of time or after the user has visited a certain number of pages. With this, you can find out that your customers are interested in your products.

When a user is about to leave, the exit intent pop-ups will appear. Pop-up forms are more effective than static ones.

Create an interactive form

Interactive forms such as spinning wheel are great way to engage customers. The wheel asks users their email and name detail in exchange for a spin.

Offer more

Some users may require some more to share their details. If you are finding it hard to make people subscriber to your newsletters then try offering a discount, a gift or a sample product or free shipping.

4. Add Personalization

Customers don’t like to see advertisements. That’s why most of them put ad blockers or use such browsers which have ad blocker features built in.

However, this doesn’t mean that customers don’t like ads at all. The issue here is that customers don’t like ads that are irrelevant or not interesting. When something you see which is irrelevant to you you don’t see at it at all.

That’s why personalization is important. It doesn’t mean that you should start putting personalized ads on your site. You can learn from it to give customers a personalized experience. You should use personalization in your communication, such as emails, sms, push notifications and you will see a quick rise of revenues.

The best way to personalize people is by doing segmentation. Rather than sending out messages to all customers at the same time, It’s much more effective if you segment them and send personalized messages. Here are some segmentation you can do based on:

Sign Up Source

This way, you will know which sign-up forms and types of products  are bringing in the most subscribers, and you can customise your offers and messages accordingly.


Customers who have already bought from you and know that your products are extremely valuable. They already have confidence in your brand, so they should be your main priority.

Creating a segment for these customers can help your target with recommendations based on previous purchases, loyalty programmes, review requests.

High Average Order Value Customers

These are your most expensive customers, so it makes sense that a little extra effort should be made to keep them. Give this segment a little extra love in the way of incentives, rewards, or even an odd gift to show how much you value it.

These are just a small sample of the audience segments that you can create—the more detail you go into, the more personalised your message becomes. Consider introducing channels like SMS and push notifications to your customization plans to create a real omnichannel strategy.

5. Engage Customers with Live Chat

One aspect that customers really value and appreciate, is the live assistance of a real human being. Live chat can become your ticket to higher conversions by helping to provide instant answers to your customers.

Like a helpful in-store associate answering questions from your customers, live chat can reassure your customers, answer questions, and provide them with the information they need to make an informed purchase. Knowing that someone is online to get advice from builds trust and leaves customers with a really positive image of your brand.

Not all companies, of course, will have the time or resources to offer live chats 24/7. You can consider using chatbots in this case, which are used to answer common questions. Although the human-to-human contact can create can not be replaced, chatbots can address immediate concerns and can point clients to human assistance at a later time.

Whether you do it all yourself or instal a chatbot, offering your e-commerce store some kind of live support is a huge investment that will eventually save you from unnecessary returns and refunds from uninformed and uncertain clients. Find out the 8 Best Live Chat plugins for WordPress.


Marketing seems to be a big challenge. But if it is divided into many parts, it can be easy to do and help you achieve your marketing goals for your e-commerce business.

I hope you’ll be helped by this strategy and get the best results. If you have the basics right for your business, then you’re sure to get rewarded!

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